My Beloved brothers and Sisters, I deem it very high to pray for peace for our dear Nation towards the forthcoming Presidential and Parliamentary Election. I am closely in touch with the present developments in political frontline in our renowned African State, Ghana. I feel it is necessary to speak for unity and peace, the bedrock of National Development before and after the election.
We should look at Politics as a way of organising people for development works in a particular state or country. It is to help us to concretely deliberate on the matters affecting the growth of the country and contribute physically, morally, spiritually, and economically for development works to continue. Even if we look at it as a power, it should be a power to coordinate the potentials of the state for genuine socio-economic growth.


Having this in mind, Political power struggle should not be based on what I can get but rather on what I can sacrifice. Our country is now undergoing unnecessary difficult times due to negative understanding of Politics. This period in the history of our country should be a moment of collaboration devoid of hostility, aggression, antagonism, rousing of tribal sentiments and evil wish for one another. These negative conceptions of politics raining in the minds of some Ghanaians can only fracture, cripple and totally disable the country in terms of development.


Ghana, the Political eye of Africa is held in high esteem, not only by Africans but also by the world at large. “The independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked to the total liberation of Africa” This statement of our first President is repeating itself in another way today which I framed in this way: “The Democracy of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked to the total true Democracy of African Continent.” My fellow beloved country men and women, the entire Africa is looking up to Ghana. Many African countries are bleeding. Our country is destined to clean the tears and dress the wounds of Africa. This should be our mindset in this era.  It is no wonder that Ghanaian Military is very effective in peace-keeping in the war torn zones in Africa and other parts of the world. This is a sign of true professionalism in our military system. They witnessed war situations in many African Countries and can tell the nation how difficult and dirty war can be.

Ghana as the eye of Africa with her development agendas should not engage in any attitude which will be tantamount to political retrogression. My heart lifted with joy when I read the news about nuclear power plan for Ghana. By This, Ghana is entering a “Big” history of Africa and the world. It is not by accident. It is due to our national track record of justice and peace which we preach, live by it together with those who listen. No world power can stop Ghana from acquiring nuclear power since our profile about Democracy is clean and our intentions clear and understandable. Let us put our hands together and pray for rapid acceleration of the process towards the nuclear power. This will enable us especially generate enough electrical power to sustain the needs of the country. It is a sign that our development is in line with the postmodern period.

As we embraced the principles of globalised world in terms of democracy, and for that matter lawfully organised right and legal way of transfer of power, no one has the right to act according to his/her own particular will but rather for the common will of our nation. Adherence to the constitution in a true way without any manipulation is important in our political, national and economic development. As the world goes postmodern, we need to brace ourselves to meet the current demands of this period in terms of development of the country in all levels. Very soon, people in the developed world would go on holidays in space with their scientific highest technological air crafts. We should be thinking as a matter of urgency about how to manufacture helicopters and other aircrafts now. As for the motor-bikes and cars, it will come soon, I presume.

Fellow Ghanaians, we need to have big dreams. Science and medicine is advancing in developed world. We should not think that we cannot reach those levels. We have the men/women; we have the intellect and the potentials to reach the unreachable. What we need is a complete continuous peaceful atmosphere, respect for the dignity of the human person and the ecosystem.  We need to spot areas of research for inventions and discoveries since we are the principal protagonists for our own national development. All these would put the state forward for development process towards self-sustaining Ghana.

My Brothers and sisters, this ideas should rather occupy our minds in this election time to support peaceful transition and continue to support the new government-elect to carry out the agenda towards the development of the state. True democracy should not be based on hostile attitude towards our so called political enemies. No one should be an enemy to the other. All Ghanaians have the same right. There is no cast system in Ghana. You all have the same political rights from the same country bound by the same constitution. I described what is happening as uncalled for. We have seen people fleeing a war torn zones in some African Countries before. We need to overcome the human tendency of showing no appreciation to what we have till we lost it. I urge you to desist from the utterances that can fun the flame of civil war in the country.

Let us draw clear examples from our neighbouring countries and some others in the sub- region. If Ghana, the eye of Africa goes crazy like them (Salt that lost its taste) where will the Ghanaian refugees go to? If a child is chased in the streets he runs to the father/mother for protection. Can you imagine a father who is chased in the streets running to the kids in the house for protection? It will be a great discouragement for the kids due to their father’s powerlessness. Ghana is the father/mother of true powerful emerging Democracy in Africa. I plead with you to maintain the masculinity of Ghana as a state of Democracy. Ghana has never lived in the state of anarchy and disunity before. The country is interwoven in terms of marriages with the absolute virtues running through. I urge, you, I implore you, and beg you in the name of God, never to ignite a fire of civil war in the country. Instead, love one another; bear with one another as people of the same state with common destiny. Avoid tribal comments, use of abusive and vulgar language in the political platforms. Say what is right and condemn what is evil.

The democracy of Ghana has come to stay.  I am grateful to those who brought it and above all to the nation who sustained it so far. I want to congratulate Ghanaian heroes who are feverishly working around the clock for peaceful election. I wish I am there to play my role as a citizen whose heart is searching for means of continuous and lasting peace for our nation as well as the entire African continent. Please fellow Ghanaians; let us not ignite a fire which nearly put the country into total confusion some years go. That should not happen again.  A little spark of fire can destroy a whole forest. Let us not call for fire of destruction but rather, fire of love and peace. Owe all Ghanaians the debt of nothing but love and peace at this time of our election.
I depict this election as a test for the maturity of our Democracy in Ghana but I am optimistic that it will show the rise of Ghana in glory. Let us not allow the otherwise to happen.
I want to congratulate you my Paramount Chiefs, Chiefs, and Sub chiefs, Queen-mothers, Great-grandfathers/mothers, grandfathers/mothers, fathers/mothers, brothers and sisters, for your nobility and loves of peace in the Republic of Ghana. Let God use you and make you an instrument of peace. Thank you for promoting peace in Ghana. May God bless our homeland Ghana, and make our Nation Great and Strong.